Antweiler, Christoph
Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler, ethnologist

Photo: Evelin Frerk
Ethnologist Christoph Antweiler was born in Cologne in 1956. He studied geology-paleontology in Cologne. In 1987 he earned his PhD in ethnology with a dissertation on cultural revolution. From 1988 to 1991 Antweiler worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Ethnology in Cologne. From 1991 to 1992 he conducted field research in Makassar on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. In 1993 he became managing director of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Entwicklungsethnologie (Development Ethnology Working Group) and in 1996 he became ethnology professor at the University of Trier. Since 2008 he has been head of the department of Southeast Asian Studies at the Institute for Oriental and Asian Studies at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
Publications (selection):
- Our Common Denominator, 2016.
- Inclusive Humanism. Anthropological Basics for a Realistic Cosmopolitanism, 2012.
- Mensch und Weltkultur. Für einen realistischen Kosmopolitismus im Zeitalter der Globalisierung, 2011
- Heimat Mensch: Was uns alle verbindet, 2009
- Ethnologie. Ein Führer zu populären Medien, 2005
Editorial books:
- Handbook of Evolution. Vol. 1: The Evolution of Cultures and Societies. Antweiler, Christoph (with Franz M. Wuketits, ed.), 2004
- Entwicklungsethnologie: Kritische Bilanz und Perspektiven. Antweiler, Christoph & Michael Schönhuth (guest editor). Entwicklungsethnologie 7(1) Themenheft II, 1998
- Ethnologische Beiträge zur Entwicklungspolitik. Antweiler, Christoph and others (ed.). Bonn: Politischer Arbeitskreis Schulen (Beiträge zur Kulturkunde, Band 7), 1997
- Entwicklungsethnologie: Kritische Bilanz und Perspektiven. Antweiler, Christoph & Michael Schönhuth (guest editor). Entwicklungsethnologie 6(2) Themenheft I., 1997
- Social Reproduction, Cultural Selection, and the Evolution of Social Evolution. Antweiler, Christoph & Richard Newbold Adams (ed.), 1990