Support Members
Many supporting members of the gbs took part in the award ceremony of the Deschner Prize to Richard Dawkins (2007).
Anyone wishing to support the work of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung ideologically and/or financially may join the "Förderkreis der Giordano Bruno Stiftung" (supporters of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung). Any natural person or organization that endorses the foundation's ideas and goals is welcome to become a support member. There is no financial obligation resulting from membership, i.e. support membership does not entail a fixed monthly or annual fee. Each individual may assess for themselves how much they would like to contribute or are able to contribute to the foundation.
If you would like to become a Giordano Bruno Stiftung support member, you can register here via this web form. After we receive your application we will send you further information by mail.
Donations can be deducted from taxes since the Giordano Bruno Stiftung is accredited as a non-profit organization by the tax authorities. For annual donations of €200 or more, the gbs will automatically send you a donation receipt. For smaller donations, an account statement (if necessary including the donation certificate linked below) is sufficient for the tax office.
gbs donation account: 2 222 222
bank code: 560 517 90
Kreissparkasse Rhein-Hunsrück
IBAN: DE40 5605 1790 0002 2222 22
ONLINE DONATIONS: You may also donate online to the Giordano Bruno Stiftung via this form provided on the donation portal (In this case you will receive your donation receipt(s) from Through betterplace a regular collection of donations is also possible. Alternatively, this can be implemented directly via the gbs as well. In this case, please print out this direct debit authorization and send the signed original to the foundation's headquarters in Oberwesel.
Supporting members who would like to get actively involved in the foundation's work or who are interested in contacting other "friends and supporters" have the opportunity to register in the gbs internal internet forum. The forum is the foundation's central internal discussion platform on the web. gbs supporters have the opportunity to discuss with each other in a protected space, to submit proposals for new projects, to participate in the planning of foundation activities, or to arrange meetings.
Over the years numerous regional groups (e.g. in Frankfurt/Main, Cologne/Bonn, Düsseldorf and Berlin/Brandenburg) have emerged from gbs support members, which independently organize local events. Furthermore, there are student gbs representatives at various universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland as well as working groups on specific topics.
Should your address change in the course of your supporting membership or should you wish to change or revoke a direct debit authorization previously granted, please inform our foundation secretariat (contact: Judith Liesenfeld).
If you wish to terminate your membership in the Giordano Bruno Stiftung, you can use this resignation form.
Documents that may be of interest to you (German language only):