"Mrs. Merkel, Open up Marriage to Everyone!"
Giordano Bruno Stiftung supports appeal of LSVD
At the conference "Give Peace A Chance" in Cologne, representatives of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung alongside Irish secularists celebrated the sensational success of the referendum on the equality of homosexual and heterosexual partnerships in marriage. Today the Lesben- und Schwulenverband in Deutschland (LSVD - Lesbian and Gay Federation in Germany) and "Campact!" launched a corresponding initiative for Germany. The Giordano Bruno Stiftung firmly supports this campaign.
Almost two-thirds of the Irish people voted in favour of allowing same-sex couples to marry during last weekend's referendum. This makes Ireland the first country in the world to decide by referendum that lesbians and gays have the same rights and duties in marriage as couples of different sexes. This success also unsettles the blockade of the permanently stuck in the past politics in this country, which has so far prevented equality. Like the LSVD, the Giordano Bruno Stiftung believes that an end to the marriage ban for lesbian/gay couples in Germany is long overdue.
Below you can read the original text of the appeal that the LSVD published today on the portal "Campact!" as well as an unofficial translation:
In Irland sagt eine große Mehrheit der Bevölkerung: Ja zu gleichen Rechten, Nein zu Homophobie und Diskriminierung gleichgeschlechtlicher Liebespaare. In Deutschland will eine genauso breite Mehrheit, dass das diskriminierende Eheverbot für lesbische und schwule Paare endlich fällt. Auch die Anhänger/innen von CDU und CSU wünschen sich mehrheitlich die volle Gleichstellung gleichgeschlechtlicher Liebe.
Ich fordere Sie daher auf: Beenden Sie die Diskriminierung. Folgen Sie dem Beispiel Irlands und öffnen Sie die Ehe auch für lesbische und schwule Paare. Gleiches Recht auf Ehe für alle!
In Ireland, a large majority of the population says yes to equal rights, no to homophobia and discrimination against same-sex couples. In Germany, an equally broad majority wants the discriminatory marriage ban for lesbian and gay couples to finally be dropped. The majority of CDU and CSU supporters also want full equality of same-sex love.
That is why I urge you: Stop the discrimination. Follow Ireland's example and open up marriage to lesbian and gay couples. Equal rights to marriage for all!
At https://www.campact.de/gleichstellung/ you can sign the petition. Please distribute this link among your friends and acquaintances. Thank you!