Giordano Bruno Stiftung Support Membership
Anyone wishing to support the work of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung ideologically and/or financially can join the "Förderkreis der Giordano Bruno Stiftung" (friends and supporters of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung). Any natural person or organization who endorses the foundation's ideas and goals is welcome to join this circle.
Support membership allows for a slightly closer connection to the foundation (for example, the "friends and supporters of the gbs" receive exclusive information about the foundation's work), but it does not involve any formal effort. Since the support membership is not organized as a "registered association", but as a "free association of friends and supporters", there are no state-mandated requirements such as board elections, general meetings, etc. Support membership does not entail a fixed monthly or annual financial contribution. Each individual may assess for themselves how much they would like to contribute or are able to contribute to the foundation. There is no financial obligation resulting from support membership. Since the Giordano Bruno Stiftung is recognized as a non-profit organization, donations are tax-deductible. You can register via this link.