The Right to Last Aid
Commemoration for Uwe-Christian Arnold on March 21 in Oberwesel
There is probably no other German doctor who has so courageously worked for self-determined dying and has taken as many personal risks as Uwe-Christian Arnold. On March 21, the Giordano Bruno Foundation will honour its advisory board member, who died last year, with a commemorative event and at the same time celebrate the latest landmark decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, about which presumably no one would have been more pleased than Uwe-Christian Arnold himself.
ATTENTION: Due to the increased concern about infection with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as well as the expected administrative measures to contain the epidemic, the commemoration ceremony on March 21 is cancelled.
On the day before his death, the medical doctor and assistant to the dying had written a final statement, which was presented at the oral hearing before the Federal Constitutional Court. Uwe-Chrsitian Arnold would undoubtedly have seen the ruling of the highest German court on Wednesday, which declared section 217 of the German Penal Code null and void (i.e. unconstitutional from the outset), as confirmation of his life's work. This was apparently also the opinion of ZEIT editor Evelyn Finger, who published a full-page interview with Uwe-Christian Arnold shortly before his death in April 2019 in DIE ZEIT the day after the pronouncement of the judgement.
At the commemoration event, Christian's friends and companions will share their thoughts and describe the decisive stages of the ultimately successful "Campaign for the Right to Last Aid". As Christian would have wished (for he was "An Assistant to the Dying Who Loved Life"), there will be not only dull words at this commemoration, but also music, food, and drinks. In the run-up to the event, there will also be a strategy meeting among experts to discuss how Christian's central goal, i. e. to facilitate a free and humane culture of dying, can be realized following the groundbreaking verdict from Karlsruhe.
ATTENTION: Due to the increased concern about infection with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) as well as the expected administrative measures to contain the epidemic, the commemoration ceremony on March 21 is cancelled.
The commemoration event for Christian Arnold at the gbs foundation headquarters (Haus Weitblick, Auf Fasel 16, 55430 Oberwesel) on Saturday, March 21, begins at 6:00 pm with a sparkling wine reception. The commemoration will be followed by a joint drink and dinner at around 8.30 pm. Admission to the event is free, but prior binding registration via this web form is absolutely necessary.