Illuminating Myths Artistically
DA! Art Award 2022 announced
"The power of myth" is this year's theme of the DA! Art-Award, which will in 2022 be awarded for the third time. The prize, totalling 10,000 euros, is offered every two years by the Düsseldorfer Aufklärungsdienst (DA!) and aims to inspire artists to take a critical look at religion and irrationalism. As in previous years, the award is supported by the Giordano Bruno Foundation.
After "Knowledge instead of Faith", the competition theme in 2018, and "... Does not Work Beyond the Placebo Effect" in 2020, the focus this time will be on myths and their power. Whether religious or ethnic myths, conspiracy narratives or narratives in art, culture and the world of commodities, all these myths forcefully spread their supposed knowledge through colourful narratives. The prime directive here is to create meaning through belief. A broad field for critical perspectives and artistic interventions.
In 2020, more than 600 artists submitted their works nationwide. This year the initiators expect a lively turnout as well. The nominated artworks will be presented in September at the Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf. The award ceremony will take place at the end of the three-week exhibition and will be held on 25 September 2022.
As in the past two calls for entries, a high-calibre jury will determine the prize winners. The panel includes Michael Kortländer (director of the Large Art Exhibition NRW) and painter Menia, who is renowned for addressing explosive political and social issues in her work. Other jurors are: Giulia Silberberger (founder of the "Goldener Aluhut"), Michael Schmidt-Salomon (philosopher and gbs board spokesperson), and the artist and philosopher Peter Tepe, whose research focuses on "Myth, Ideology & Methods".
Germany's most famous criminal biologist Mark Benecke has been won as patron. He thus follows the well-known doctor, homeopathy critic and author Natalie Grams (" Homeopathy Reconsidered", "Gesundheit!") and former SPD top politician and lawyer Ingrid Matthäus-Maier (both members of the gbs advisory board), who had taken over the patronage for the previous calls for entries.