Rosenzweig, Rainer
Dr. Rainer Rosenzweig, perceptual psychologist and initiator of the Nuremberg "Turm der Sinne"

Photo: Evelin Frerk
Rainer Rosenzweig was born in 1968 in Nuremberg. He first studied mathematics at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg and graduated in 1995. From 1999-2000 he was managing director of Humanistischer Verband Bayern (then HVD Nürnberg), and from 2000-2003 assistant managing director at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics. In 2003 he completed his PhD in the field of perception psychophysics at the Bavarian Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg and in the same year became managing director of the Bavarian-Californian University Centre BaCaTeC at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
One year earlier (2002) he had already succeeded the management of the non-profit corporation "turmdersinne" in Nuremberg, also known as the "smallest science center in the world". In previous years he had played a major role in its establishment. For a total of 14 years (2002-2016) Rosenzweig held the position of managing director, during which he and his team created an excellent platform with a series of regular events at the "hands-on-museum turmdersinne" to discuss the latest findings in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy. Numerous advisory board members of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung have been guests speakers there. Since October 2014 he is lecturer for psychology of perception at the Technical University of Nuremberg.
Rainer Rosenzweig is science council member of the Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften (GWUP - Society for the Scientific Investigation of Parasciences), board member of the Koordinationsrat säkularer Organisationen KORSO (Coordination Council of Secular Organizations in Germany) and vice president of the Humanistische Akademie Deutschlands (HAD - Humanistic Academy Germany).
Book publications:
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Freier Wille – frommer Wunsch?, mentis Verlag, 2006
- (Ed. with Stephan Matthiesen): Von Sinnen. Traum und Trance, Rausch und Rage aus Sicht der Hirnforschung, mentis Verlag, 2007
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Neuronen im Gespräch, mentis Verlag, 2008
- (Ed.) Nicht wahr?! Sinneskanäle, Hirnwindungen und Grenzen der Wahrnehmung, mentis Verlag, 2009
- (Edited by Helmut Fink): Künstliche Sinne, gedoptes Gehirn, mentis Verlag, 2010
- (Ed.): Geistesblitz und Neuronendonner. Intuition, Kreativität und Phantasie, mentis Verlag, 2010
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Mann, Frau, Gehirn, mentis Verlag, 2011
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Verantwortung als Illusion?, mentis Verlag, 2012
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Das Tier im Menschen, mentis Verlag, 2013
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Bewusstsein - Selbst - Ich, mentis Verlag, 2014
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Das soziale Gehirn, mentis Verlag, 2015
- (Ed. with Helmut Fink): Gehirne zwischen Liebe und Krieg, mentis Verlag, 2016