Basieux, Pierre
Dr. Pierre Basieux, mathematician/game theorist, deceased 2016

Pierre Basieux in the Casino (GEO)
Basieux was born in 1944 in Vienna (Austria). He was a Belgian citizen and spent his childhood in Styria and Namur. He studied mathematics, physics, and philosophy at the University of Graz and received his PhD. From 1975 to 1977 he was a high school teacher on the North Sea island of Langeoog and then worked as a freelancer until 1983. From 1984 to 1994 he worked for various companies. He then earned his living as a freelance book author and management consultant. Basieux explored the topic of "game theory/probability calculation" not only in theoretical writings, but also in practical terms: at the roulette table.
Publications (selection):
- Roulette – Die Zähmung des Zufalls; Printul-Verlag 1987 (5. Aufl. 2001)
- Roulette im Zoom – Anatomie des Kugellaufs; Printul 1989 (with Jacques Thiele)
- Die Welt als Roulette – Denken in Erwartungen; Rowohlt-Verlag (rororo-science) 1995
- Abenteuer Mathematik – Brücken zwischen Wirklichkeit und Fiktion; Rowohlt 1999
- Faszination Roulette – Phänomene und Fallstudien; Printul 1999
- Die Top Ten der schönsten mathematischen Sätze; Rowohlt 2000
- Die Architektur der Mathematik – Denken in Strukturen; Rowohlt 2000
- Ohne Rücksicht auf Gewinne – Casino-Storys; BoD Norderstedt 2002
- Die Zähmung der Schwankungen; Printul 2003
- Die Top Seven der mathematischen Vermutungen; Rowohlt 2004
- Roulette HardCore & SoftWare – Algorithmen für Ballistik, Wurfweiten, Tisch-Charakteristik; BoD Norderstedt 2006
- Die Welt als Spiel – Spieltheorie in Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Natur; Rowohlt; 2008
- Roulette – Glück und Geschick, Springer Spektrum 2012