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Hinz, Ricarda

Ricarda Hinz, documentary filmmaker/painter

Ricarda Hinz was born in 1970 in Bocholt. From 1990 to 1998 she studied communication design at GH Essen University and now lives as a freelance documentary filmmaker in Düsseldorf. Until 2010 she was a member of Jacques Tilly's Sculpturepark team, and collaborated closely with him on other projects. With his support she also produced the film "Die hasserfüllten Augen des Herrn Deschner" ("The hateful eyes of Mr. Deschner", 1998). Ricarda Hinz has produced many remarkable short films for the gbs, including "Aufklärung ist Ärgernis" ("Enlightenment is Vexation", on the occasion of Karlheinz Deschner's 80th birthday), the video "Children of Evolution" for the campaign "Evolutionstag statt Christi-Himmelfahrt" ("Evolution Day instead of Ascension Day", in the Darwin Year 2009), the trailer "Eine kurze Geschichte der gbs" ("A Short History of the gbs") as well as the gbs film "Hoffnung Mensch - Die Geschichte des evolutionären Humanismus" ("In Humanity We Trust - The Story of Evolutionary Humanism"), which was produced in 2014 on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the gbs.

Films (selection):

  • Aufklärung ist Ärgernis (Kurzfilm) (2004)
  • Die hasserfüllten Augen des Karlheinz Deschner. (70 Min.) (1998)
  • Kruzifix. Skandal im Düsseldorfer Karneval. (45 Min) (1996)
  • Darwin & The Naked Apes: Children of Evolution (2009)
  • Susi Neunmalklug erklärt die Evolution (2009)
  • Eine kurze Geschichte der gbs (2011)
  • In Humanity We Trust - The Story of Evolutionary Humanism (2014)
  • 10 Years of Ex-Muslims - The Story of an International Human Rights Movement (2017)