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Kubitza, Heinz-Werner

Dr. Heinz-Werner Kubitza, publisher, author


Photo: Evelin Frerk

Heinz-Werner Kubitza was born in 1961 in Hermeskeil near Trier. After graduating from high school, he transferred to the upper school of Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Trier, where he graduated in 1981. He then studied Protestant theology and philosophy in Frankfurt, Tübingen, Bonn, and Marburg in order to become a pastor. As a high school student Kubitza was already active in church youth work (CVJM) as a group leader, later in the Marburg Evangelische Studentengemeinde (ESG - Protestant Student Congregation) as a delegate and student of trust. He wrote his dissertation, which was accepted by the University of Marburg in 1991, on a church history topic.

As a "qualified theologian", Kubitza is quite familiar especially with New Testament research and the deficiencies of Jesus' traditional image cultivated by the Churches. Both this and their financial practices led to his parting from the Church in 2001.

After his studies Kubitza founded Tectum Verlag ( in Marburg in 1992 and works with his team on the publication of mainly scientific titles. As of 2011, the publishing house has a section "Humanism and Criticism of Religion", which is directly supervised by Kubitza and features critical publications in this category in both printed and e-book editions.

Kubitza is author of several predominantly critical books on Christianity. He is a member of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, the Stefan-George-Gesellschaft, the Gesellschaft für Kritische Philosophie, and the Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften (GWUP).

Book publications (selection):

  • Der Jesuswahn. Wie die Christen sich ihren Gott erschufen. Die Entzauberung einer Weltreligion durch die wissenschaftliche Forschung, 2011
  • Verführte Jugend. Eine Kritik am Jugendkatechismus Youcat. Vernünftige Antworten auf katholische Fragen, 2012
  • Der Dogmenwahn: Scheinprobleme der Theologie, 2015
  • Der Glaubenswahn. Von den Anfängen des religiösen Extremismus im Alten Testament, 2017