Notz, Gisela
Dr. Gisela Notz, social scientist
Gisela Notz was born in 1942 in Schweinfurt am Main. She studied industrial sociology, industrial psychology, and adult education in Berlin, receiving her PhD from the Technical University of Berlin. From 1979 she was a scientific advisor at the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. She initially worked in the labour force research department and later in labour and social research. Notz was also co-editor of the journal "beiträge zur feministischen theorie und praxis" ("contributions to feminist theory and practice") from 1983 to 1998. From 1978 she worked as a lecturer at the universities TU Berlin, Hannover, Marburg, Essen, and FH Jena. In winter semester 1994/95 and summer semester 1995 she held a professorship in sociology at the University GH Essen. In the summer semester of 2000 she was a key professor at the International Women's University in Hanover.
For many years Gisela Notz was federal chairwoman of pro familia (German association for family planning, sexual education, and sexual counselling).
The focuses of her work are: Management and processing of research projects on the humanization of working life, vocational education and training, social competence, compatibility of work and family, structural and regional policy, and historical women's research.
Publications (selection):
- (Ed.) Wegbereiterinnen. Berühmte, bekannte und zu Unrecht vergessene Frauen aus der Geschichte, 2018.
- 50 Jahre 68. Warum flog die Tomate? Die autonomen Frauenbewegungen der Siebzigerjahre, 2018
- Feminismus, 2018
- Kritik des Familismus. Theorie und soziale Realität eines ideologischen Gemäldes, 2014
- Marx für SozialwissenschaftlerInnen. Eine Einführung, 2014 (with Ingrid Artus, Alexandra Krause, Oliver Nachtwey, Tilman Reitz, Claudius Vellay, Jan Weyand)
- Freiwilligendienste für alle. Von der ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit zur Prekarisierung der freiwilligen Arbeit, 2012
- Theorien alternativen Wirtschaftens. Fenster in eine andere Welt, 2011
- Feminismus, 2011
- Theorien alternativen Wirtschaftens, 2010
- Familien. Lebensformen zwischen Tradition und Utopie, 2003
- Die neuen Freiwilligen: Das Ehrenamt - Eine Antwort auf die Krise?, 1999 (2nd edition)