Stadler, Beda
Prof. Dr. Beda M. Stadler, immunologist/molecular biologist

Photo: Evelin Frerk
Beda Stadler was born in 1950. He studied biology and received his PhD and habilitation in the field of molecular biology in Bern. He is professor of immunology (since 1991) and director of the Institute of Virology and Immunology (since 2001) at the University of Bern. His main areas of scientific interest are: basic research in immunology in the fields of allergology and autoimmunity; production of recombinant human or artificial antibodies and vaccines for therapy. In addition to his scientific activities, he is also a columnist for the Berner Zeitung and the Neue Züricher Zeitung.
Publications (selection):
- From Allergy to Immunology. Anniversary Symposium in Honour of Professor Alain de Weck. Hans Huber Publishers. Toronto, Lewiston N.Y., Bern, Stuttgart. eds. B.M. Stadler, C.H. Schneider, W.J. Pichler, and C. Dahinden. 1-152. 1988
- Progress in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Hogrefe & Huber Publishers. Toronto, Lewiston N.Y., Bern, Göttingen, Stuttgart. eds. W.J. Pichler, B.M. Stadler, C. Dahinden, A.R. Pecoud, P.C. Frei, C. Schneider, and A.L. Weck. 1-159. 1989
- Immunologie, Grundlagen-Klinik-Praxis. Stuttgart, New York. Stadler, B.M. eds. D. Gemsa , J.R. Kalden, K. Resch. ISBN 3135348040. pp. 235-250, 1997
- Es gibt keine menschlichen Gene. Mythen und Fakten über Gentechnologie. Bern, Göttingen, Toronto, Seattle. 243 Pages, 1997
- Gene an die Gabel, das erste GVO Kochbuch der Welt. Zurich 2001