Streminger, Gerhard
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Streminger, philosopher

Photo: Karl Acham
Gerhard Streminger was born in 1952 in Graz, Austria. Beginning in 1970, he studied philosophy and mathematics in Graz, Göttingen, Edinburgh, and Oxford. From 1975 to 1997 he was employed at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Graz, where he received his PhD in 1978. Three years later he became visiting professor at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
After his habilitation in 1984 he was appointed assistant professor in 1988 and was given an honorary professorship in 1995. In 2006 he was awarded the David Hume Prize of the Kellmann Stiftung für Humanismus und Aufklärung.
Publications (selection):
- David Hume. Der Philosoph und sein Zeitalter (2011).
- David Hume: Eine Untersuchung über die Prinzipien der Moral. Herausgabe und Übersetzung von Humes "An Enquiry concerning the Principles of Morals" (2012).
- Ecce Terra. Zur englischen Gartenkunst (2013).
- Dalriada. Ein schottisches Märchen (2015).
- Gottes Güte und die Übel der Welt. Das Theodizee-Problem (2016).
- Die Fremde (2016).
- Adam Smith. Wohlstand und Moral. Eine Biographie (2017).