Voland, Eckart
Prof. Dr. Eckart Voland, sociobiologist, biophilosopher

Photo: Evelin Frerk
Eckart Voland was born in 1949 in Münden (Lower Saxony). He studied biology and social sciences at the University of Göttingen. In 1978 he received his PhD with a thesis on the social behaviour of primates. In 1992 he habilitated at the University of Göttingen in anthropology with works on "Historical Demography and Sociobiology".
Since 1995 he has been professor of philosophy of life sciences at the Center for Philosophy and Foundations of Science at JLU. His research mainly addresses the fields of evolutionary anthropology (sociobiology, behavioral ecology), biophilosophy (evolutionary ethics, evolutionary aesthetics, evolutionary religious studies), and historical demography. Voland is a corresponding member of the Joachim Jungius-Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Hamburg.
Publications (selection):
- Evolution des Gewissens. Strategien zwischen Egoismus und Gehorsam. Stuttgart (Hirzel) 2014 (with Renate Voland)
- The Biological Evolution of Religious Mind and Behaviour. Berlin (Springer) 2009 [ed. with Wulf Schiefenhövel]
- Die Natur des Menschen. Grundkurs Soziobiologie. München (Beck) 2007
- Grandmotherhood - The Evolutionary Significance of the Second Half of Female Life. Piscataway (Rutgers University Press) 2005 (ed., with Athanasios Chasiotis and Wulf Schiefenhövel]
- Evolutionary Aesthetics. Heidelberg, 2003 (ed., with Karl Grammer)
- Angeber haben mehr vom Leben. Heidelberg, 2002 (with Matthias Uhl)
- Grundriss der Soziobiologie, 2. Aufl. Heidelberg, 2000 Portuguese Edition: Elementos de Sociobiologia. Lisboa, 2000.
- Evolution und Anpassung. Stuttgart, 1993 (ed.)
- Fortpflanzung: Natur und Kultur im Wechselspiel. Frankfurt/M., 1992 (ed.)
- The Sociobiology of Sexual and Reproductive Strategies. London & New York, 1989 (ed., with A. E. Rasa and C. Vogel)