Schmidt-Salomon, Michael
Dr. Michael Schmidt-Salomon, philosopher and writer, spokesperson and co-founder of the gbs
Michael Schmidt-Salomon, born in 1967, is a freelance philosopher and writer, musician and social scientist, as well as co-founder and spokesman of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung. He has published philosophical writings, novels and children's books. He became known to a wider public through the administration of effective public campaigns. As a naturalistic philosopher he is frequently featured in the press, radio and on television.
In the past, Schmidt-Salomon received several awards (including the Topitsch Prize of the Kellmann Foundation for Humanism and Enlightenment). "Der Spiegel" once called him "Germany's chief atheist", which was adopted by various media outlets. Yet he sees himself neither as a "chief" nor as an "atheist", but rather as an "evolutionary humanist", who (until proven otherwise!) advocates the "elegant hypothesis" that the universe operates "above board", i.e. neither gods nor demons, neither witches nor goblins interfere with the laws of nature...
Email contact Schmidt-Salomon office
Book publications
Die Grenzen der Toleranz. Warum wir die offene Gesellschaft verteidigen müssen. (The Limits of Tolerance - read the preface in English here)
Big Family. Die phantastische Reise in die Vergangenheit. (Illustrated by Anne-Barbara-Kindler, self-published 2015)
Letzte Hilfe. Ein Plädoyer für das selbstbestimmte Sterben (With Uwe-Christian Arnold. Rowohlt 2014)
Hoffnung Mensch. Eine bessere Welt ist möglich. (Piper, March 2014)
Keine Macht den Doofen! Eine Streitschrift. (Piper, March 2012)
Anleitung zum Seligsein (anthology of critical essays, speeches and satires, October 2011)
Leibniz war kein Butterkeks. Den großen und kleinen Fragen der Philosophie auf der Spur. (with Lea Salomon, March 2011)
Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Warum wir ohne Moral die besseren Menschen sind. (2009, with new appendix from the 5th extended edition 2010, Piper paperback edition 2012)
Manifest des evolutionären Humanismus. Plädoyer für eine zeitgemäße Leitkultur. (1st edition: 2005, 2nd extended edition: 2006, since then many reprints of this issue)
Stollbergs Inferno. Philosophischer Groschenroman über die Hölle, die Revolte und das Absurde (1st edition 2003, 3rd improved edition: 2006) .
Die Kirche im Kopf. Von "Ach Herrje! bis "Zum Teufel!" (Satirical Enlightenment encyclopedia, with Carsten Frerk, 2007)
Wo bitte geht's zu Gott?, fragte das kleine Ferkel. Ein Buch für alle, die sich nichts vormachen lassen. (Children's and adults' book, illustrated by Helge Nyncke 2007)
Die Geschichte vom frechen Hund. Warum es klug ist, freundlich zu sein. (Children's book, illustrated by Helge Nyncke, 2008)
Susi Neunmalklug erklärt die Evolution. Ein Buch für kleine und große Besserwisser. (Children's and adults' book, illustrated by Helge Nyncke 2009)
Auf dem Weg zur Einheit des Wissens. Die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie und die Gefahren von Biologismus und Kulturismus. Publication series of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung, Volume 1 (2007)
Richard Dawkins, Karlheinz Deschner, Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Franz M. Wuketits: Vom Virus des Glaubens. Deschner-Preis 2007. Publication series of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung, Volume 2 (2008)
Charles Darwin, Thomas Junker, Sabine Paul, Ulrich Kutschera, Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Franz Wuketits: Happy Birthday, Charly! Darwin-Jahr 2009. Publication series of the Giordano Bruno Stiftung, Volume 3 ( 2009)
"Enlightenment is annoyance" - Karlheinz Deschner's life, work and effect. Collection with contributions by Karlheinz Deschner, Horst Herrmann, Joachim Kahl, Ludger Lütkehaus, Hermann Josef Schmidt, Hans Wollschläger and many more... (Editors: Hermann Gieselbusch and Michael Schmidt-Salomon, 2006)
Erkenntnis aus Engagement. Grundlegungen zu einer Theorie der Neomoderne. (1999)
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