Solidarity With Raif Badawi and His Family!
International fundraising campaign launched for the Sakharov Prize winner of the European Parliament

Photo: Raif Badawi Foundation
The Giordano Bruno Foundation, in association with other organizations, has launched a fundraising campaign for the Saudi blogger Raif Badawi, who was released from prison a week ago but is still not allowed to leave Saudi Arabia. Donations are now possible via the platforms (German-speaking/Europe) and (international) or by transfer to a trust account in Germany.
Raif Badawi courageously stood up for religious freedom, democracy, and human rights, leading to his conviction in Saudi Arabia to 10 years in prison, 1,000 lashes, and a fine equivalent to 235,000 euros. On 11 March, the "most famous political prisoner in the Arab world" was released from prison, but he is not (yet) allowed to travel to his family in Canada! We are therefore appealing for donations: Please help Raif, his wife Ensaf Haidar, and their three children to finally be able to live together again in freedom and security!
Raif Badawi and Ensaf Haidar had to pay a high price for defending human rights. For this they were symbolically honoured in many ways (e.g. with the Sakharov Prize of the European Parliament), but honour alone can neither pay the fine nor support a family. For this reason, civil society is now urged to support Raif and Ensaf: Help raise the fine so that Raif does not have to be imprisoned again, but can be reunited with his wife and children! Even small contributions help. Join in!
In the name of Raif, Ensaf, and their children
we thank you for your support!
Michael Schmidt-Salomon (Giordano Bruno Foundation), Rana Ahmad (Secular Refugee Aid) with the support of UN Watch, Geneva Summit for Human Rights, Tübingen Vigil for Raif Badawi, Vienna Vigil for the Release of Raif Badawi, Raif Badawi Foundation.
The money that is collected via or will be transferred 100 percent to Raif and Ensaf's accounts. Alternatively, you can transfer the donation directly to the trust account of Raif Badawi and Ensaf Haidar in Germany (managed by the Giordano Bruno Foundation): Account holders: Raif Badawi / Ensaf Haidar; IBAN: DE 10 5605 1790 0002 2150 02; BIC: MALADE51SIM; Kreissparkasse Rhein-Hunsrück. Please note: The donations for Raif and his family are private donations. Since these funds do not become part of the gbs' assets, no donation receipts can be issued for them. In the case of very large donations, gift taxes may apply (in Germany starting at 20,000 euros).