Tilly, Jacques
Jacques Tilly, sculptor/communication designer
Tilly was born in Düsseldorf in 1963. From 1973 to 1982 he attended the Comenius-Gymnasium in Düsseldorf. From 1985 to 1994 he studied communication design at GH Essen University. He designs and builds political floats for the Düsseldorf Shrove Monday Procession ("Rosenmontagszug") since 1983. His provocative floats regularly spark heated discussions. Tilly also works as an illustrator and designs large sculptures. Thus he created e.g. the oversized figures of the "Schalker Jahrhundertmannschaft" ("Schalke Team of the Century") for the inauguration of the Schalke Arena in Gelsenkirchen. Tilly cooperates with various theatres, television stations, film production companies, and artists (including Andre Heller).
For the Giordano Bruno Stiftung he has created sensational sculptures, including the dinosaur float for the "World Youth Day" (2005) and the "Prügelnonne" ("Beating Nun") for the demonstration of former orphanage children (2010). He has also contributed some of the most beautiful and poignant cartoons to the gbs Art Collection.